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I 320.03 : Comics, Graphic Novels, and Manga



Examine the historical development and a contemporary survey of prominent visual narrative formats and genres such as graphic and visual novels, comics, and manga. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. ? This course carries the flag for Cultural Diversity in the United States. The purpose of the Cultural Diversity in the United States Flag is for students to explore in depth the shared practices and beliefs of one or more underrepresented cultural groups subject to persistent marginalization. In addition to learning about these diverse groups in relation to their specific contexts, students should engage in an active process of critical reflection. You should therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from assignments covering the practices, beliefs, and histories of at least one underrepresented cultural group in the U.S.

Instructor Topic Title Year Semester Syllabus
Sarah Britt
Sarah Britt

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