CARE Counselor

UT Tower against a blue sky

Counselors in Academic Residence Program (CARE)

CARE’s primary mission is to provide access to mental health support for students who are struggling emotionally and/or academically.

CARE Counselor at the School of Information

CARE (Counselors in Academic Residence) is a program of the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) that places a counselor onsite in colleges across the university to help make it easier for students to get support. CARE counselors also provide information and consultations to faculty and staff. CARE services are confidential.

CARE offers the following:

  • Short-term individual counseling sessions (8)
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Education about mental health issues for staff, faculty, and students
  • Streamlined referral process to mental health professionals in the Austin community

Bryce Moffett, LCSW - CARE Counselor at the School of Information

bryce moffett profile

Office: FAC 18S
In person office hour: Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00 PM
Phone: (512) 232-4449
Request an Appointment: Call the CMHC at (512) 471-3515 and request a CARE appointment with Bryce.


Faculty/Staff Consultations

If you are a faculty or staff member and would like to talk about your concerns for a student, you can contact the CARE Counselor for guidance. For example, if you’ve observed a student in distress or you’re wondering how to check-in with a student, you can schedule a consultation with the counselor to discuss how to support the student.

Other Resources