Topics in User Experience Design: Misinformation, Justice, and Design

Catalog Description

Examine misinformation and disinformation from different perspectives like information science, ethics psychology, politics — with a special emphasis on design. Readings and activities provide the basis for exploring problems with, causes of and solutions to online misinformation.

Instructor Description

In this course, we will work to understand and address the challenges of misinformation, disinformation, and strategic manipulation in online environments. First, we will work to develop a deep understanding of the problem space. We will read and discuss existing research (both historical and contemporary) on how and why misinformation and disinformation spread. Next, we will explore the process, both personal and interpersonal, by which these issues can be approached and addressed in our own lives. This will involve reflecting on our own presuppositions, beliefs, and biases about information; and doing a project in which we apply the principles of Human-Centered Design to investigate different design directions for addressing misleading information. Students will gain important contextual knowledge and hands-on design experience that they can take into future professional domains (from education to policy to technology), where they can contribute to building more trustworthy information systems.


Upper-division standing and Informatics 310U.
Course Areas
User-Experience Design
Skills and Knowledge Tags
Qualitative User Research
Media Literacy
Topics and Concepts Tags
Describe the “problem” Of Online Misinformation & Disinformation From Different Perspectives
Design Interventions That Address Mis- And Disinformation
Reflect On Your Own Information Diet & Identify Ways To Make Information Spaces Healthier Through Their Own Participation