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INF 388L : Professional Experience and Project




Instructor Description

As the culminating experience of the MSIS program, INF 388L allows every student to apply their unique skillsets and learnings to a professional project that is focused on a real-world problem or initiative. The course is designed to support your capstone journey throughout the semester as you work on your project with your project Field Supervisor. As an asynchronous course, students and instructors communicate via Canvas and various discussion prompts. Progress in the course is measured through updates and documents submitted directly to Canvas. During the semester, time is allotted for 1-on-1 meetings between student and instructor, and for small group meetings, as needed. Summary of Course Goals 1. Deliver a professional-level project/solution to showcase your knowledge, skills, and abilities. 2. Take direction and feedback from a supervisor working in your applied field of study. 3. Strengthen communication and presentation skills. 4. Manage expectations around project goals, schedule, and deliverables.


Graduate standing; Completion of at least twenty-one semester hours of coursework in the graduate program in information studies.

Instructor Topic Title Year Semester Syllabus
John Neumann
Andrea Baer
2025Spring Term
Carla Criner
2024Fall TermSyllabus
John Neumann
2024Summer Term
John Neumann
2024Spring TermSyllabus
Jacek Gwizdka
2024Spring TermSyllabus
Carla Criner
2023Spring TermSyllabus
Carla Criner
2023Summer TermSyllabus
John Robert Bautista
2023Fall TermSyllabus
Yan Zhang
2023Spring TermSyllabus
Soo Young Rieh
2022Fall TermSyllabus
Carla Criner
2022Summer Nine-WeekSyllabus
Carla Criner
2022Spring TermSyllabus
Yan Zhang
2022Spring Term
Carla Criner
2021Spring TermSyllabus
Randolph Bias
2021Fall TermSyllabus
Loriene Roy
2021Summer Nine-WeekSyllabus
Ying Ding
2021Spring TermSyllabus

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