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Coding Commons Collaborative

Feb. 19, 2016
Graduate students in the School of Information have created Coding Commons, an organization that provides a collaborative workspace for students of any discipline who are interested in learning more about programming and the inner workings of computers.  

Apple Privacy Debate

Feb. 18, 2016

In February, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the company plans to fight a government order to unlock a cellphone of one of the shooters in the San Bernardino murders.  Both law enforcement and privacy advocates find many areas of agreement and disagreement in this conflict.

Turkish professor visits iSchool to study effects of cyberhate

Feb. 8, 2016


It can start out as a differing of opinions on a social media or a website blog post. Suddenly, it can escalate from name calling to a full attack on an individual’s race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation.Unfortunately, hate speech has been around for centuries but with the advent of the Internet, it has evolved into a new electronic form - cyberhate.

Three iSchool professors win grant from Center for Identity to study patient portals

Feb. 8, 2016

Three University of Texas School of Information professors spent summer 2015 conducting research to more fully understand the role of human values in the use of patient portals and how this information can better help older adults and beyond.

UT-Austin Portugal International Collaboratory

Feb. 8, 2016

Assistant Professor Jacek Gwizdka and Associate Professor Matthew Lease and Luis Francisco-Revilla received a $100,000 grant for their project “Relevance Mining and Detection System.” Francisco-Revilla serves as a research associate and manager of the visualization interfaces and applications group at the Texas Advanced Computing Center.

Professor Bias Receives Research Grants

Feb. 8, 2016

In June, iSchool associate professor and Information eXperience Lab co-director Randolph Bias received funding for two research threads.  He earned a $34,000 research grant from the UT-Austin Center for Identity to fulfill his research program “An Empirical Study of the Level of Agreement between Social Media Users’ Perceived and Actual Privacy Settings.” The CID serves as a center of excellence for identity management, privacy and security. 

Barker, Gruning receive Dasher Best Paper Award at FIE conference

Feb. 8, 2016


University of Texas School of Information Associate Professor and iSchool doctoral student Jane Gruning won the Benjamin J. Dasher Best Paper Award at the 2015 Frontiers in Education conference in El Paso in October.

Barker and Gruning wrote “The Student Prompt: Student Feedback and Change in Teaching Practices in Postsecondary Computer Science” in spring 2014 based on research they conducted on what influences computer science faculty to potentially change their current teaching practices.

Gwizdka, Zhang Earn Grant

Feb. 8, 2016

UT iSchool Assistant Professors Yan Zhang and Jacek Gwizdka received a $44,444 grant from the UT-Austin in Portugal International collaborator for Emerging Technologies co-lab.  The grant will fund their study of interface and content elements that people use to evaluate online health care information.  Zhang and Gwizdka are working with their colleague Carla Lopes from the University of Porto in Portugal.



Professor Loriene Roy Receives Grant For Veterans

Feb. 8, 2016

iSchool professor Loriene Roy has always had a desire to bring services to U.S. military veterans. Roy’s father received a Bronze Star in the Korean War. Two years ago, she started working with SongwritingWith:Soldiers, a nonprofit organization founded by Austin singer and songwriter Darden Smith. The  nonprofit pairs veterans and active-duty service members with professional songwriters to craft songs about their military experiences, often about combat and returning home.