Associate Professor Bailey Becomes Provost's Teaching Fellow

February 29, 2016

Diane Bailey will be the first Provost's Teaching Fellow in the School of Information. Recognizing excellence in teaching innovation, the fellowship comes with $25,000, including a $10,000 stipend across two years and $15,000 for a teaching initiative of her choosing. Professor Bailey was selected following nomination by Dean Andrew Dillon, an interview with a current Fellow, ratification by the full Fellows membership, and approval by the Provost’s Office. 

With a vision for creativity and innovation in teaching, Fellows work together to create a sustainable structure for incentivizing faculty to develop and refine their craft. Further, they hope to share their practice and lessons learned with peers as they work to advance the teaching mission of the university. Commissioned by Senior Vice Provost David Laude, the Provost Teaching Fellows program began in October of 2013 with an inaugural group of twenty faculty members, of all rank. Advised by a Senior Fellow mentor, each Teaching Fellow undertakes an individual initiative to improve teaching and learning in the classroom, department, and College. Collectively, Fellows spearhead events that benefit the entire campus, including the New Faculty Orientation, a Teaching Colloquium, an Innovation Showcase, and monthly “Think Tanks” where faculty discuss issues in a safe and collaborative environment. A partnership with Learning Sciences ensures the sustainability of PTF-led initiatives and events.

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