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iSchool conservators care for Bacone's Ataloa Lodge collections

Oct. 9, 2014

ISchool faculty Rebecca Elder and Karen Pavelka were invited to Bacone College in Muskogee, OK for a conservator's weekend to help care for neglected collections at Bacone's Ataloa Lodge museum. They worked along other invited collections care professionals and library staff, including the Senior VP for Advancement of the college, who showed up in a tee shirt and shorts, ready to help out wherever he was needed.

William Aspray Awarded $125,000 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Oct. 9, 2014

William Aspray, the Bill and Lewis Suit Professor of Information Technologies at the School of Information, has been awarded $125,000 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to study the history of IT Education and its relation to broadening the IT workforce in the United States. The award is the first of its kind for the UT School of Information.

MSIS Student Alia Gant Awarded 2014-2016 ARL Diversity Scholar

Oct. 9, 2014

iSchool Masters student, Alia Gant, has been selected as one of 13 MLIS/MSIS Diversity Scholars for 2014-2016. The Diversity Scholars program is part of the Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (IRDW) by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL).

UT iSchool and Computer Science Department Launch Five-Year Integrated Masters

Sept. 12, 2014

The School of Information and the UT Computer Science Department now offer a five-year integrated master's program whereby a student can earn a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Master of Science in Information Studies degree. Students in the program will be able to complete the integrated program in five academic years of full-time study-one year less than it would take to complete the two degrees individually and consecutively. Students can begin applying for these programs in spring 2015 and the programs will begin fall 2015.

Jacek Gwizdka Receives Google Research Award

Sept. 12, 2014

Jacek Gwizdka, Assistant Professor in the School of Information and co-Director of the Information eXperience Lab at University of Texas at Austin, and Dania Bilal, a Professor in the iSchool of Information Sciences at University of Tennessee, and have received a $41,363 Google Research Award for a project titled "Child-friendly search engine results pages (SERPs): Towards better understanding of Google search results readability by children." In this project, Drs. Bilal and Gwizdka will investigate how children read and assess the reading levels of Google's search results pages (SERPs).

Diane Bailey Awarded Over $1 Million NSF Grant

July 31, 2014

AUSTIN, Texas - The National Science Foundation has awarded just over $1 million to Diane Bailey, Associate Professor at the School of Information, to study the factors that may predict project success and guide decisions about funding, designing, and implementing major projects intended to use information and communication technology for socio-economic development.

Newest Alumni Share Career Pathways

July 31, 2014

From archives to libraries, from digital assets to user experience research, the newest alumni of the iSchool have made their ways into very interesting new career paths. Recently, several May 2014 graduates talked about where they are and what they're doing with their new MSIS degrees. Here are the stories of alumni Catherine Bell, Kristin Bongiovanni, Tim Mapp, and Harry Ostlund.

Catherine Bell

What and where is your new position?

Masters Program Re-Accredited To 2021

July 15, 2014


The School of Information's Master of Science in Information Studies program received notice of re-accreditation from the American Library Association. The decision was based on the Program Presentation, the External Review Panel Report, all of the reports the program submitted since the last comprehensive review, and the the June 28th meeting with the dean and chair of the ERP. The next comprehensive review visit is scheduled for Spring 2021.

UT iSchool Welcomes New Faculty Member Byron Wallace

June 12, 2014

The UT iSchool is pleased to welcome Byron Wallace, who will be joining us this fall as an assistant professor. His research interests are in data mining/machine learning and natural language processing, with an emphasis on applications in health. Byron is presently a research assistant professor at Brown University, where he is based in the Department of Health Services, Policy & Practice and is also affiliated with the Brown Laboratory for Linguistic and Information Processing (BLLIP) in computer science.

Students Shine at Spring 2014 iSchool Open House

June 11, 2014

Teaching librarians to play psychologist. Mapping flood risk areas. Digitizing a goldmine of Texas music recordings.

These were just a few of the student projects featured at the iSchool's Open House on May 2.