Yan Zhang


Dr. Zhang's research interests are mainly within two areas: (1) users' perceptions of information systems, particularly web-based information retrieval (IR) systems, and (2) consumer health information needs and information seeking, as well as the design of consumer health information systems.


Ph.D. School of Information and Library Science, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2009
M.S. Information Sciences, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2004
B.S. Information Management and Systems, Nanjing University, 2001

Areas Of Specialization

Software Usability
Human Factors In Information Retrieval
Consumer Health Information
Information Architecture

Recent Publications

Zhang, Y. (2014). Beyond quality and accessibility: Source selection in consumer health information searching. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(5), 911-927.

Zhang, Y. , Broussard, R., Ke, W., & Gong, X. (2014). The evaluation of a Scatter/Gather interface for supporting distinct health information search tasks. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(5), 1028-1041.

Zhang, Y. (2014). Searching for specific health-related information in MedlinePlus: Behavioral patterns and user experience. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(1), 53-68.

Zhang, Y. (2013). The effects of preference for information on consumers' online health information search behavior. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(11), e234. http://www.jmir.org/2013/11/e234

Yalin Sun, Yan Zhang, Jacek Gwizdka, and Ciaran B. Trace, "Consumer Evaluation of the Quality of Online Health Information: Systematic Literature Review of Relevant Criteria and Indicators," JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (5) (2019). DOI: 10.2196/12522

Ciaran B. Trace and Yan Zhang, "The Quantified-Self Archive: Documenting Lives through Self-Tracking Data," Journal of Documentation 76 (1) (2019): 290-316. DOI: 10.1108/JD-04-2019-0064.

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Recent Courses

YearSemesterCourse NumberCourseSyllabusNotes
2025SpringINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2024FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2024FallI 320MTopics in Health Informatics: Consumer Health Informatics Consumer Health Informatics
2024SpringINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2023FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2023FallI 320MTopics in Health Informatics: Consumer Health Informatics Consumer Health Informatics
2023SpringINF 388LProfessional Experience and Project
2022FallINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2022FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2022SpringINF 388LProfessional Experience and Project
2022SpringINF 385NInformatics: Consumer Health Informatics Consumer Health Informatics
2021FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2021SpringINF 385NInformatics: Consumer Health Informatics Consumer Health Informatics
2021SpringINF 397CUnderstanding Research
2020FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2020Summer 9 WeekINF 388LProfessional Experience and Project
2020SpringINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2019FallINF 385NInformatics Consumer Health Informatics
2019FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2019SpringINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2019SpringINF 397CUnderstanding Research
2018FallINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2018SpringINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2018SpringINF 397CUnderstanding Research
2017FallINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies
2017FallINF 385EInformation Architecture and Design
2017Summer 9 WeekINF 388RPracticum in School Libraries
2017Summer 9 WeekINF 388LProfessional Experience and Project
2017SpringINF 391D.10Survey of Information Studies