School Librarian Certificate Program Requirements and Notices

School Librarian Certificate Program

Requirements and Notices

General Requirements

In order to apply for Standard School Librarian Certification, students must meet the following State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requirements:

  • Hold a master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Successfully complete a certification program.
  • Pass the School Librarian’s TExES (Texas Examination of Educator Standards).
  • Have two years of classroom teaching experience from a public or accredited private school.

Non-Degree Seeking Student

If you already hold a Master’s degree, you need only complete the Educator Preparation Program as a non-degree seeking student and obtain a passing grade on the certification exam.

  • Hold a teaching certificate from the Texas Education Agency or another state’s teacher certificate agency.
  • Have, and provide evidence of, at least two years of full-time classroom teaching experience in a public or accredited private school. Applicant’s service record from each school district in which the applicant is and has been employed is required.
  • Follow general procedures for admissions to the School of Information master’s program. Select “Non-Degree Seeker” in the degree status field on the OGA application.
  • Complete a minimum of fifteen (15) graduate courses at the School of Information centered on school librarianship. This includes the INF 388R Practicum in School Libraries. View courses.
  • Pass the School Librarian’s TExES (150) exam (Texas Examination of Educator Standards).

Degree-Seeking Student

If you do NOT have a master’s degree, apply as a degree-seeking graduate student. The School Librarian Certificate Program courses count 15 hours toward the 36-hour master’s program.

  • Hold a teaching certificate from the Texas Education Agency or other State’s teacher certificate agency.
  • Have, and provide evidence of, at least two years of full-time classroom teaching experience in a public or accredited private school. Applicant’s service record from each school district in which the applicant is and has been employed is required.
  • Follow general procedures for admissions to the School of Information master’s program and complete all required courses for the MSIS degree.
  • Pass the School Librarian Certificate specialization, which requires a minimum of fifteen (15) hours in iSchool courses related to school librarianship, including INF 388R Practicum in School Libraries, as determined by the student and the student’s individual advisor. View courses.
  • Successfully complete the School Librarian’s TExES (150) exam (Texas Examination of Educator Standards).

TExES School Librarian (150) Certification Exam

Candidates seeking certification must pass a “TExES,” Texas Examination of Educator Standards, School Librarian (150) examination mandated by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) prior to making application for a certificate. In order to register for the exam, candidates:

  • must have passed all courses with a B or above
  • must have successfully completed the requirements of INF 388R (School Library Practicum)
  • must have a signed recommendation from the candidate's Site Supervisor and Field Supervisor, acknowledging that the candidate is prepared to take the exam 
  • have signed or acknowledged and submitted all required documents to the Field Supervisor and/or the Program Coordinator
  • must have attended at least one study session for the School Librarian (150) Certification exam
  • must have taken the practice exam and submitted results to the Program Coordinator
  • should notify the Field Supervisor and/or the Program Coordinator via email that they are ready to register for the exam

Additional Requirements & Notices

1. Required purchase of AASL National Standards document upon admission to the program:

  • Deadline: May 15.
  • The courses School Library Management 1 (Summer session) and School Library Management II (Fall session) require the following textbook: National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries (AASL Standards) published by the American Association of School Librarians and the American Library Association.
    The book retails for $199. If you are a member of ALA, the cost reduces to $99.
    By joining the Texas Library Association and the American Library Association as a student ($42 for the joint student membership program), you get a significant savings for membership to the two organizations, as well as a significant savings for the standards book. There are many benefits to membership in these premier professional organizations. As soon as you are admitted into the program, you should join and order the book so that it arrives by June 1. Join ALA and TLA (joint student membership program). The National Standards publication is a required textbook for the two School Library Management courses; joining the two associations is not. However, you get a significant savings on the book by joining.

2. Educator Preparation Program hours required by TEA:

  • The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires that courses for a professional degree equal 200 clock hours. The four required courses for the School Librarian Certificate equal 180 hours. An additional 20 hours is required outside of the coursework. TEA requires that professional educator programs include instruction in educator code of ethics, standards, dyslexia, mental health, substance abuse, and youth suicide in addition to regular content. In addition to course sessions, be prepared to attend short online sessions throughout the long semesters. These will be announced at the beginning of each semester so that students can make arrangements to attend these required sessions.
  • All certificate seekers must attend 200 clock hours of instruction. No matter the reason, missed classes, tardies, and early exits must be made up. Students will have additional writing assignments to ensure that they have acquired the missed content. Students will be well advised to attend all classes, arrive on time and stay for the duration of the class.

3. Criminal History Evaluation Advanced Notice

  • School districts require criminal background clearance before anyone works in their schools. All students accepted into a certification program are required to complete a criminal history evaluation for the district in which they are placed. Criminal history evaluations may require completing district forms, online applications, and in some cases, fingerprinting.
  • It is important to know that even certain misdemeanors can prevent students from participating in the fieldwork required by their program. Furthermore, they can prevent the State from approving certification.
  • For general guidelines used in determining eligibility, please visit the Educator Investigations page on the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) website.
  • For questions about state eligibility, TEA can provide a preliminary criminal history evaluation (PCHE) for a non-refundable fee of $50. To access the PCHE request form, please see the Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQ page.

4. Complaints Against Educator Preparation Programs

  • The complaint process allows for an applicant, candidate, employee or former employee of an EPP, a cooperating teacher, a mentor, or an administrator in a school district, charter school, or private school to submit a complaint about an EPP for investigation and resolution. View the TEA complaint process.