Tuition Rebate
Graduating seniors may be eligible for a tuition rebate of up to $1,000 at graduation if they have attempted no more than three semester hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for the degree. ALL graduating seniors who are Texas residents should fill out the application.
Longhorn Fixed-rate Tuition Rebate
Resident and non-resident undergraduate students are eligible for the rebate if they are enrolled in the Longhorn Fixed Tuition program. Student must have attempted no more than three semester credit hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog which they graduate. Students who want to receive the rebate must graduate within four calendar years for a four-year degree program or within five calendar years if the degree requires more than four years to complete. Students must complete at least 60 semester credit hours of coursework counted toward the degree in residence. Student must not have already received a bachelor's degree. A student is required to apply for a tuition rebate prior to graduation.
Use the same application for both rebates. Students may apply for either one, or both if eligible. An eligible student must submit an application in the same semester they apply to graduate.
Tuition rebates may be reduced by the amount of any outstanding student loan owed to or guaranteed by the State of Texas.
Tuition Rebate Application Form
Application Upload
Upload Tuition Rebate Application Form here.
The signed application must be submitted by the official date of graduation. If you have any questions, please send an email.
Tuition Rebate Deadlines:
Spring 2025 graduates - May 10, 2025
Summer 2025 graduates - August 18, 2025
Students desiring to qualify for a tuition rebate are solely responsible for enrolling only in courses that will qualify them for the rebate.
A student will be eligible for a partial rebate of their undergraduate tuition if ALL the following criteria are met:
1. The student must not have enrolled at any institution of higher education before the Fall 1997 semester.
2. At the time the student earns a first undergraduate degree, the student must have attempted* no more than three semester hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for the degree.
Hours attempted* include:
- All courses the student has undertaken, such as transfer credit**, credit earned by examination***, study abroad courses****, courses the student dropped or from which the student withdrew after the date the official enrollment count was taken,
- Optional internship and cooperative education courses,
- Courses the student failed,
- Courses the student repeated.
- If the student has earned credit-by-exam for more than nine hours of coursework, the hours in excess of nine are also counted as hours attempted.
3. The student must have been a Texas resident and must have been eligible to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
4. For students who enroll for the first time in the fall 2005 or later, a student must graduate within four calendar years for a four-year degree.
* Courses dropped for reasons that are determined by the institution to be totally beyond the control of the student shall not be counted.
** Transfer work that was taken during high school (dual credit) shall not be counted.
*** The first nine (9) hours earned by examination (that is, credit earned on the basis of AP courses, CLEP or credit granted for high SAT or ACT scores) shall not be counted.
**** The first nine (9) hours earned through study abroad shall not be counted.

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