Informatics Major Concentrations
Interested in knowing what concentrations there are? Check out the flyer below!
Informatics Major Concentrations Flyer (PDF)
Read below to get more information on each concentration and access their pages.
Human-Centered Data Science
Data is one of the most valuable commodities in the information society, and workers with the skills to collect, manage, and analyse data to gain new insights are in great demand. This Informatics major concentration will train students to think critically and use data in an ethically responsible manner in artificial intelligence, machine learning, information retrieval, data curation, and data analysis.
User Experience (UX) Design
The design of data, information, and technology systems needs to be rooted in the user experience along with a consideration of the broader societal impacts of design. This Informatics major concentration will prepare students for a career in user experience, interaction design, human factors, and web and mobile app design. Learn the skills you need to design cutting-edge information technologies that will benefit users and society.
Social Justice Informatics
Data, information, and technology have the potential to reduce or eliminate inequalities in society, but they can also lead to exacerbating existing inequalities or creating new ones. This Informatics major concentration will train students to leverage data, information, and technology for societal good, helping to empower individuals and eliminate inequalities and injustices to ensure a level playing field for everyone in the information age.
Health Informatics
Delivering and managing high-quality healthcare requires expertise in data, information, and technology. This Informatics major concentration will train students to design and use information technologies to improve healthcare delivery, healthcare management, and health outcomes.
Cultural Heritage Informatics
Throughout human history, cultural heritage institutions such as libraries, archives, galleries, and museums have played a critical role in ensuring access to data, information, and technology over the decades and centuries. These skills are also very much in demand in industry. This Informatics major concentration will train students to manage, describe, organise, preserve, and provide access to data and information in a wide range of technological forms.
Social Informatics
Data, information, and technology are revolutionizing how organizations work. This Informatics major concentration will train students to leverage data, information, and technology to improve organizational efficiency while also providing a more ethical and humane environment for workers and society more broadly. Learn the skills you need to play a critical role in shaping information policies, improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, enhance societal sustainability, and advocate for the public interest.
2020 – 2022 Catalog Degree Requirements
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Informatics degree comprises 120 credit hours.
BA in Informatics Degree Plan (PDF)
Approved Courses and Substitutions (PDF)
Core Curriculum - 42 Hours
All undergraduate students must complete a specific combination of coursework in English, government, American history, math, social sciences, natural sciences, and fine arts.
View Core Curriculum Requirements >
iSchool General Education Requirements - 27 Hours
- Informatics 302 - Academic Success in the Digital University (3 hours)
- Informatics 372 - Career Success in the Digital Organisation (3 hours)
- Informatics 303 - Ethical Foundations for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 304 - Programming for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 305 - Research Methods for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 306 - Statistics for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Foreign Language: Beginning-level proficiency coursework, or the equivalent, in a foreign language (3 hours)
- Additional liberal arts coursework (6 hours)
Informatics Major Requirements - 24 Hours | Honors - 30 Hours
The Informatics Honors program requires a minimum grade point average of 3.5 across all Informatics coursework.
- Informatics 301 - Introduction to Informatics (3 hours)
- Informatics 310 - Introductory course in selected concentration (3 hours)
- Additional concentration introductory course (3 hours)
- Advanced topics in selected concentration (9 hours)
- Capstone (Internship in Informatics or Service Learning in Informatics) (3 hours)
- Honors Option: Capstone with Honors Thesis in Informatics (6 hours) - Open elective in Informatics (3 hours)
- Honors Option: Two open electives in Informatics (6 hours)
Electives - 24 Hours
- Bring a student's total hours to 120.
- Students can also fill elective hours by declaring a minor.
Flags (Included in Coursework)
Students should choose courses in the core curriculum and in the major requirements that also fulfill their major department's Flag requirements. The Flags required for the iSchool are:
- Writing: two courses required beyond Rhetoric and Writing 306 or its equivalent
- Cultural Diversity in the United States: one course required
- Ethics: one course required
- Global Cultures: one course required
- Independent Inquiry: one course required
- Quantitative Reasoning: one course required
2020 – 2022 Catalog Degree Requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Informatics (BSI) degree comprises 120 credit hours.
BSI in Informatics Degree Plan (PDF)
Approved Courses and Substitutions (PDF)
Core Curriculum - 42 Hours
All undergraduate students must complete a specific combination of coursework in English, government, American history, math, social sciences, natural sciences, and fine arts.
View Core Curriculum Requirements >
iSchool General Education Requirements - 27 Hours
- Informatics 302 - Academic Success in the Digital University (3 hours)
- Informatics 372 - Career Success in the Digital Organisation (3 hours)
- Informatics 303 - Ethical Foundations for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 304 - Programming for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 305 - Research Methods for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Informatics 306 - Statistics for Informatics or equivalent (3 hours)
- Foreign Language: Beginning-level proficiency coursework, or the equivalent, in a foreign language (3 hours)
- Additional science, technology, engineering, and math coursework (6 hours)
Informatics Major Requirements - 24 Hours | Honors - 30 Hours
The Informatics Honors program requires a minimum grade point average of 3.5 across all Informatics coursework.
Learn more about the Honors program >
- Informatics 301 - Introduction to Informatics (3 hours)
- Informatics 310 - Introductory course in selected concentration (3 hours)
- Additional concentration introductory course (3 hours)
- Advanced topics in selected concentration (9 hours)
- Capstone (Internship in Informatics or Service Learning in Informatics) (3 hours)
- Honors Option: Capstone with Honors Thesis in Informatics (6 hours) - Open elective in Informatics (3 hours)
- Honors Option: Two open electives in Informatics (6 hours)
Electives - 24 Hours
- Bring a student's total hours to 120.
- Students can also fill elective hours by declaring a minor.
Flags (Included in Coursework)
Students should choose courses in the core curriculum and in the major requirements that also fulfill their major department's Flag requirements. The Flags required for the iSchool are:
- Writing: two courses required beyond Rhetoric and Writing 306 or its equivalent
- Cultural Diversity in the United States: one course required
- Ethics: one course required
- Global Cultures: one course required
- Independent Inquiry: one course required
- Quantitative Reasoning: one course required

Undergraduate Informatics Program
Leverage insights from data and information technology to solve problems.
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4+1 Year Integrated Degree Program
Earn a bachelor's degree in Informatics and a master's degree in Information Studies in only five years.