Day | Start | End | Building | Room |
Catalog Description
Examine a wide variety of information and academic resources, tools, and skills; with a focus on the digital landscape of higher education. Explore the features of the primary learning management system; communication and organization tools; library resources; basic online research resources; and ethical and safety concerns. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.
Instructor Description
This class offers students hands-on practice with Canvas and other digital tools in order to scaffold success in the informatics program. Students will conduct an independent, iterative research project including the following steps: crafting a research question, finding and evaluating sources, and presenting information.
Restricted to undergraduate Informatics majors through registration period 1. Informatics minors may add classes and join waitlists beginning in period 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with period 3.
All sections of I 302 will meet together for a large format lecture on the first class meeting of each week, then break out into smaller discussion groups for the second class meeting.