I’m a librarian, archivist, researcher, and consultant with over two decades of experience preserving and providing access to collections of literary, personal, and organizational papers including the Norman Mailer Papers, the David Mamet Papers, and the Morris L. Ernst Papers, all at the Harry Ransom Center, the Richard W. Pound Olympic Collection at the University of Texas Libraries, and the Austin City Limits archive project at
KLRU-TV. I am currently the Reference Archivist at the Austin History Center. I am the owner/operator of Town Talk Library and the Austin Fanzine Project, a founding organizer of the Austin Archives Bazaar and Lone Star Zine Fest, and am currently serving on the boards of the Archivists of Central Texas and Austin Zine Friends.
Bachelor of Arts, American Studies,1998;
Master of Library and Information Science with specialization in Archival Enterprise, School of Information, 2001.