School Librarian Certificate Program
Year One
August - Feb 1
Apply for School librarian certificate program (including MSIS, if applicant does not already have a Master’s degree) All documents must be uploaded on or before the deadline. Earlier is better.
Feb 1 - April 15
Decisions made for acceptance into the program and candidates notified via email.
June (first Monday of summer school) - July
Five weeks of classes
- INF 387.05 School Library Management I (MTW 9 am - 12 pm virtually via Zoom)
- INF 382L Inquiry & Information Seeking K-12 (MTW 1 pm - 4 pm virtually via Zoom) (another approved course may be substituted, or this course may be taken the next year’s summer session at an increased cost to the student)
INF 387.06 School Library Management II in person at the University (Mondays 6-9 pm)
INF 382G Materials for Children and YA in person at the University (Mondays 6-9 pm)
Year Two
No summer courses unless INF 382L Inquiry and Information Seeking in K-12 (or another approved course) postponed from first summer
INF 388R Practicum or Internship in School Libraries: 160 hours in person in an Austin-area public school district (no virtual practicums or internships accepted outside of Austin-area public school districts)
Finish practicum or internship. Practicum candidates may choose to extend practicum into the spring semester. Intern candidates must continue their internship through the entire school year.
Candidates on an internship and candidates who choose to extend their practicum into the spring must enroll in a one hour class: INF 188T Internship in Libraries and Other Information Agencies
Late Winter or Summer
TExES (150) school librarian certificate exam taken and passed. If finished with practicum in December, then take the exam as soon as possible. Practicum candidates who extend their practicum experience in the spring will take the exam in the summer. Intern candidates will take the exam in the summer.
Standard School Librarian Certificate issued by TEA for candidates who are finished with classes for the non degree seekers or MSIS students. If intern candidates are continuing with classes, they must pass the exam and be placed in a probationary certificate until they graduate. Once on a probationary certificate, they must graduate within two years.