Undergraduate Minor in Informatics



The minor in Informatics is open to undergraduate students across the university who wish to explore the foundations of the field and its many core disciplines. Tenured faculty members, professional practitioners, and highly-trained assistant instructors offer courses in areas such as human-computer interaction and user experience design, user studies, archives and cultural heritage studies, and many more fields.

The transcript-recognized undergraduate minor in Informatics is offered through the schools and colleges at the university that grant undergraduate degrees, and students should discuss this option with their advisors. For more information, please contact undergradoffice@ischool.utexas.edu.

Minor Requirements

  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • Degree-seeking undergraduate
  • Minimum of 12 hours in residence
  • Minimum of four semesters left to graduate 

Curriculum Overview

The Informatics minor from the iSchool requires students to complete five iSchool courses, consisting of 15 semester hours with a C- or better. Additionally, there are a variety of areas of study students can pursue.

  • One Core Course: I 301 (3 semester hours)
  • Two Lower-Division Electives (6 semester hours)
  • Two Upper-Division Electives (6 semester hours)


Core Course
Course CodeCourse TitleHours
I301Introduction to Informatics3
Six Hours from the Following Lower Division Courses

Note: (3) hours must be completed from the I 310 selected topics section.

At least one of the following:

Course CodeCourse TitleHours
I302Academic Success in the Digital University3
I303Ethical Foundations for Informatics3
I304Programming for Informatics3
I305Research Methods for Informatics3
I306Statistics for Informatics3

Required (Choose One I 310 Course):

Course CodeCourse Title
I310DHuman-Centered Data Science
I310UUser Experience Design
I310CCultural Heritage Informatics
I310MHealth Informatics
I310JSocial Justice Informatics
I310SSocial Informatics
Six Hours from the Following Upper-Division Courses

Note: I 310 (D,U,C,M,J or S) is a required prerequisite for the corresponding I 320 courses.

Course CodeCourse Title
I320DHuman-Centered Data Science
I320UUser Experience Design
I320CCultural Heritage Informatics
I320MHealth Informatics
I320JSocial Justice Informatics
I320SSocial Informatics

Areas of Study

  • Cultural Heritage Informatics
  • Health Informatics
  • Human-Centered Data Science
  • Social Informatics
  • Social Justice Informatics
  • User Experience Design

To view the selection of undergraduate courses, go to the iSchool course listings page.

Application Process

Students who meet the requirements listed above can apply for the Informatics minor. Note: Eligibility requirements cannot be waived. Applications open in the fall only (no spring or summer applications are offered).

Fall 2025 applications open at 5:00 PM on October 1 and close at midnight on October 24.

Informatics Minor Application

Digital globe in a palm

Undergraduate Informatics Program

Leverage insights from data and information technology to solve problems.

Program Details


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