Q2 Software has conducted user research for roughly five years and, as a result, the company has amassed hundreds of studies during this time. The discovery of relevant, historic research is difficult within the current repository, SharePoint, which potentially lessens the continued impact of the research. Furthermore, given existing resources and constraints, qualitative analysis of user research data has been variable and, oftentimes, less thorough. Therefore, in Fall 2021, Q2 Software purchased Dovetail, a UX research repository and analysis tool. The purpose of my capstone was to support the development of Dovetail to meet Q2 Software’s needs. Namely, my capstone project worked toward the following goals: (1) Build out historic research conducted at Q2 Software within Dovetail, (2) Create a set of guidelines for creating and navigating projects in Dovetail, and (3) Create a set of guidelines for qualitative analysis in Dovetail.
Supporting and Strengthening Impact of UX Research at Q2 Software
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Capstone Type
Spring 2022
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