The Kilgarlin Information Preservation Lab is an attractive and prominent feature of the first floor of the iSchool, across from the student lounge. The space is divided into:
Book and paper conservation labs (each approx. 1300 sq. ft.)
Image: Book Lab (left), Paper Lab (right)
- 10-12 people can work comfortably in each lab; classes in Paper Lab can accommodate 15
- One fume hood in each lab; fume hood in Paper Lab has 4 elephant trunk extensions
- Konica Minolta Chroma Meter CR-400 (Colorimeter)
- Nikon polarizing microscope
- Olympus polarizing microscope
- Stereo microscope with video monitor projection
- Access to video conferencing equipment with document camera for close-up viewing
- 4 Stereo microscopes
- NoUVIR light sheet
- 14 light tables
- Suction table
- Standard bindery equipment, including presses
- job-backers
Photo studio (approx 300 sq ft.)
- Strobe, and stand lights
- Copy stand and sweep
Workshop (approx. 230 sq. ft.)
Image: Workshop in the Preservation Lab
- Grinding wheels
- Drill press
- Hand tools
- Woodworking equipment
Study room (approx 230 sq. ft.)
- Materials reference collection
The labs are equipped with fume hoods, an elephant trunk extraction system, stereo and polarizing microscopes, and video conferencing equipment. There is a large variety of tools and equipment for examination, analysis, photo documentation, and conservation treatment.
Several classes are taught in the labs including Book Laboratory; Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper; Materials in Libraries, Archives and Museums and others. A thorough sample collection, including more than 10,000 photographs and many other materials, is available for student use. Working in the labs provides iSchool students hands on experience with physical materials, adding another dimension to their education.

Sarah Norris
Assistant Professor of Practice in Library and Archives Conservation & Preservation
UTA 1.506A | First Floor Map