INF 385T: Special Topics in Information Science: Blockchain, Web3, and the Internet Computer

Day Start End Building Room
  • Friday
  • 9:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM
  • WEB

Catalog Description

Structured to deliver open Internet services, and a new kind of software architecture, Web3 (and its native crypto-assets) is poised to answer the original vision of the Internet, built on the back of a blockchain computing stack. Students will hear from leading entrepreneurs, produce weekly assignments, and ultimately build toward a final research paper on a relevant Web3 topic.


Structured to deliver open Internet services, and a new kind of software architecture, Web3 (and its native crypto-assets) is poised to answer the original vision of the Internet, built on the back of a blockchain computing stack. Students will hear from leading entrepreneurs, produce weekly assignments, and ultimately build toward a final research paper on a relevant Web3 topic.


In just the last few years we have started to see the emergence of the next chapter of our digital age, known by those building it as “Web3.” Structured to deliver open Internet services – and a new economic infrastructure built on crypto-assets – this autonomous software architecture is poised to answer the original vision of the Internet, built on the back of a blockchain computing stack. Throughout the course we will focus on topics and research key to the transition to Web3 and a decentralized economy, hearing from leading entrepreneurs shaping these new ecosystems. Topics include an introduction to blockchain and its economic context, the technology stack of Web3, smart contracts, specific networks (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dfinity, Polkadot, etc.), business use cases, regulatory considerations, and more. Sessions will consist of online webinars (both synchronous and asynchronous), and include a mix of lecture-based content and discussion on selected topics, expert guest lectures, and student-led presentations, culminating in a final research project.

Fall Term 2022
Unique ID
Mode: Web-Based

Restricted to graduate degree seekers in the School of Information during registration periods 1 and 2. Remaining seats will be made available to outside students on August 19th. Interested non-iSchool students may request a seat reservation by completing this Registration Support Questionnaire.