INF 380P: Introduction to Programming

Day Start End Building Room
  • Tuesday
  • 9:30 AM
  • 12:30 PM
  • UTA
  • 1.208

Catalog Description

Introduction to common concepts and constructs of modern computer programming such as classes and objects, methods, inheritance, data types, variables, operators, procedures, and code libraries. Development of programmatic solutions to specific computing problems and design applications for modern computing platforms such as desktop, tablet, mobile, and the World Wide Web. Intended for students with no significant prior programming experience.

Instructor Description

The class focuses on developing problem solving skills using Python as a programming language. Starting from procedural function development, we also explore object-oriented techniques, and discuss simple data structures that are often used in software development. The students usually do a few programming assignments, take a midterm, and submit a final project.


Graduate standing.

Spring Term 2025
Unique ID
Mode: In Person