I 320U: Topics in User Experience Design: Graphic Design

Day Start End Building Room
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • 11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM
  • 12:30 PM
  • 12:30 PM
  • SZB
  • SZB
  • 5.624
  • 5.624

Catalog Description

Develop fundamental graphic design theory and skills to prepare students for careers in Informatics and related fields.


Develop fundamental graphic design theory and skills to prepare students for careers in Informatics and related fields.


This mixed-format course consisting of lecture, discussion, and studio will allow students of all experience levels to develop fundamental visual and graphic design theory and skills to prepare for careers in Informatics and related fields. Course topics include the history of graphic design, principles of design, color theory, typography, brand identity, and developing stakeholder relations. Students will have the opportunity to create multiple projects for their personal portfolios. Students will engage with industry professionals to provide insight about professional careers in design. Student feedback will be collected throughout the course to ensure the curriculum is adding the most value for students. Video Overview

Spring Term 2022
Unique ID
Mode: In Person

Restricted to undergraduate Informatics/Information Studies degree seekers.