I 301: Introduction to Informatics

Day Start End Building Room
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • 3:30 pm
  • 3:30 pm
  • 5:00 pm
  • 5:00 pm
  • GEA
  • PAR
  • 105
  • 105

Catalog Description

Introduction to the field of informatics, including cultural heritage informatics, health informatics, human-centered data science, social informatics, social justice informatics, and user experience design.  Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

Instructor Description

This is a survey course covering the basics of the informatics professions. We cover some history of informatics as an academic discipline and profession, review some of the significant concepts that students can expect to cover later in the Informatics major and minor, and review the different concentrations available to Informatics students. Assessment in this course is conducted through weekly quizzes and discussion questions; a short, persuasive, group presentation; and a longer-term persuasive essay project with both individual and group components.


For any given registration cycle, enrollment in this class will be restricted to undergraduate Informatics majors through registration period 1.  Informatics minors will be permitted to add this class or join the waitlist during period 2.  All other students must wait until period 3 to add this class or join the waitlist.


All sections of I 301 will meet together for a large format lecture on the first class meeting of each week, then break out into smaller discussion groups for the second class meeting.  

Fall Term 2025
Unique ID
Mode: In Person