Lingyuan Li

lingyuan li

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lingyuan Li has been exploring the intricacies of mediated experiences shaped by emerging technologies, including social virtual reality (social VR), digital economy, games and play (e.g., indie game, live streaming), and human-centered AI. Taking a human-centered approach, her research aims to uncover the profound and multifaceted impacts these technologies have on interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. Currently, she is a cross-cutting postdoctoral fellow with Good Systems, where her primary research area is 'Work at the Human-AI Frontier.'

Beyond her research, she is deeply involved in the ACM SIGCHI community. She has been an active reviewer for the most prestigious human-computer interaction conferences and journals such as ACM CHI and ACM CSCW. She has also taken on numerous leadership and organizational roles in SIGCHI including: Student Volunteer Chair of ACM IMX 2021, Student Volunteer at ACM CHI 2022, Assistant to the General Chairs of ACM CHI PLAY 2024, CHI PLAY 10 Years Celebration Committee member, Web Chair of ACM GROUP 2025, Program Committee member of ACM CSCW 2024, and Program Committee member of ACM CHI 2025

Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing, Clemson University

M.S. in Computer Science, New York University

B.Eng. in Software Engineering, Southeast University

Digital Economy
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
Gaming and Virtual Worlds
Human-Computer Interaction
Social VR
Human-Centered AI

Lingyuan Li, Guo Freeman, & Bart Knijnenburg. 2024. Beyond Just Money Transactions: How Digital P2P Payments (Re)shape Existing Offline Interpersonal Relationships. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 24, 36 pages.

Wen Duan, Nathan McNeese, Guo Freeman, and Lingyuan Li. 2024. Mitigating Gender Stereotypes Toward AI Agents Through an eXplainable AI (XAI) Approach. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 430, 35 pages.

Kelsea Schulenberg, Lingyuan Li, Caitlin Lancaster, Douglas Zytko, & Guo Freeman. 2023. "We Don't Want a Bird Cage, We Want Guardrails": Understanding & Designing for Preventing Interpersonal Harm in Social VR through the Lens of Consent. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW2, Article 323 (October 2023), 30 pages. [Honorable Mention Award: Top 3%]

Lingyuan Li, Guo Freeman, Kelsea Schulenberg, & Dane Acena. 2023. "We Cried on Each Other's Shoulders": How LGBTQ+ Individuals Experience Social Support in Social Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). April 2328, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. (Acceptance rate: 28.39%) [Honorable Mention Award: Top 3%]

Lingyuan Li, Guo Freeman, & Nathan J. McNeese. 2022. Channeling End-User Creativity: Leveraging Live Streaming for Distributed Collaboration in Indie Game Development. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, CSCW2, Article 282 (November 2022), 28 pages.

Lingyuan Li, Jirassaya Uttarapong, Guo Freeman, & Donghee Yvette Wohn. 2020. Spontaneous, Yet Studious: Esports Commentators' Live Performance and Self-Presentation Practices. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 4, CSCW2, Article 103 (October 2020), 25 pages.

ACM CSCW Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (Top 3%)

ACM CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (Top 3%)

Outstanding Ph.D. Student in Human-Centered Computing (1/all HCC PhD students), Clemson University

ACM SIGMM Best Social Media Reporter Award

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