Associate Professor
Department of Art and Art History
Kate Catterall is a designer and educator who studied at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. Her practice investigates and resituates ubiquitous designed artifacts, while questioning mainstream design objectives (aka thinking up cool new consumer products with an increasingly short lifespan).
Initially trained in the language and materials of the industrial age as a silversmith, then furniture designer, she now studies the ethical and environmental consequences of synthetic lifestyles, serviced by long-distance, digital design processes, and the global production of consumer goods for the mass-market.
Catterall's design work has been featured in periodicals and exhibited at venues such as the New York and Istanbul International Furniture Fairs, the Whitney Museum's store, Dunne and Brown Gallery, Dallas and SIT, a biennial seating exhibition in London. Kate Catterall currently teaches at the University of Texas at Austin, writes about design, exhibits her experimental work, and undertakes furniture, interior and public space commissions for selected clients through Catterall Design LLC.
Masters in Design (multidisciplinary: theory and practice) from G.S.A. in 1992
Universal Design