Processing and Digitization: WPA's Morhiss Mound (41VT1) Primary Documents


The Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL) at the University of Texas at Austin, an unconventional archive, is a nationally recognized archeological research facility and the largest in the state of Texas. Their mission is to collect preserve, and curate archeological specimens and records, train students, conduct archeological research, and disseminate information about Texas’ archeological legacy. From 1932 to 1939 the Works Project Administration completed site excavations of the Morhiss Mound (41VT1) site in Victoria County, Texas. The primary documents of these excavations, stewarded by TARL and including over 8 linear feet of text documents, photographic prints, nitrate and glass negatives, and maps, were inventoried, organized, treated with preservation techniques, and digitized to ensure the greater preservation of sensitive record formats and allow TARL to provide more expedient and complete access of site records to students and qualified researchers.

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Spring 2021