Abhijit Mishra

Abhijit Mishra

Assistant Professor of Practice


Abhijit Mishra is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Texas School of Information. He teaches Applied Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, and Introduction to Human Centered Data Science. Abhijit obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and served as a research scientist at Apple and IBM Research, contributing to flagship products such as Siri and IBM Watson. Abhijit's research interests are Natural Language Generation, Large Language Models, and cognition inspired NLP.


Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering

Areas Of Specialization

Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning
Conversational AI

Recent Courses

YearSemesterCourse NumberCourseSyllabusNotes
2024FallINF 385TSpecial Topics in Information Science: Natural Language Processing and Applications Natural Language Processing and Applications
2024FallI 320DTopics in Human-Centered Data Science: Applied Machine Learning with Python Applied Machine Learning with Python
2024FallI 310DIntroduction to Human-Centered Data Science
2024SpringI 320DTopics in Human-Centered Data Science: Text Mining and NLP Essentials Text Mining and NLP Essentials
2024SpringI 320DTopics in Human-Centered Data Science: Applied Machine Learning with Python Applied Machine Learning with Python
2024SpringI 310DIntroduction to Human-Centered Data Science
2023FallINF 385TSpecial Topics in Information Science: Natural Language Processing and Applications Natural Language Processing and Applications
2023FallINF 385TSpecial Topics in Information Science: Deep Learning and Multimodal Systems Deep Learning and Multimodal Systems
2023FallI 310DIntroduction to Human-Centered Data Science
2023SpringI 320DTopics in Human-Centered Data Science: Applied Machine Learning with Python Applied Machine Learning with Python
2023SpringI 310DIntroduction to Human-Centered Data Science