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iSchool Committees

alt="The UT University of Texas tower rising above trees against a blue sky with white clouds"

iSchool Committees
2023-2024 Academic Year



Standing Committees

Community Access & Belonging Committee

Dedicated to enhancing the iSchool's community in a way that welcomes all students, staff, faculty, and friends of the school.

Faculty and Staff Awards & Honors Nominating Committee

To make nominations and produce supporting materials for a variety of faculty and staff awards that are available at UT throughout the year. Make recommendations to the Dean or other appropriate individuals / bodies for awards and honors. Also serve as a memorial committee as needed.

Ad Hoc Committees

Committee Student Representatives

Assistant Dean Criner works with student leaders to identify volunteers to serve on our committees (most do include student representatives).

If you are interested in serving on a particular committee, please reach out to Dr. Criner and SASI/iDSA to express your interest.