Advisory Council
Adjunct Assistant Professor &
Sandra is a professor at the University of Texas and works
as a corporate user experience researcher. She helps companies learn about their users and apply research to operational teams and technology (both backend and user interfaces) to improve experiences. Her current research focuses on research operations and community-based healthcare.
Recent Citations:
Towards Automated Quality Curation of Video Collections from a Realistic
Perspective (2017). Todd Goodall, Maria Esteva, Sandra Sweat, and Alan C.
Bovik. IEEE.
User Guided Design: Building Confidence in Engineering Data Publication
(2016). Sandra Sweat, Aditi Ranganath, Maria Esteva, and MaÃ
¡a ProdanoviÃâ¡,
Persistence Statements: Describing Digital Stickiness (2016). John Kunze,
Scout Calvert, Jeremy D. DeBarry, Matthew Hanlon, Greg Janée, and Sandra
Sweat. Data Science Journal.
Data Curation with a Focus on Reuse (2016). Maria Esteva, Sandra Sweat,
Robert McLay, Weijia Xu, and Sivakumar Kulasekaran. JCDL Conference.
The University of Texas at Austin, MSIS
West Texas A&M University, BSN Nursing
The University of Texas at Austin, BA English