School awards student research at Open House

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Four School of Information students received top awards for their projects and research findings during the iSchool's Spring 2017 Open House Showcase on May 5.

The Open House was an opportunity for approximately 80 iSchool students—including more than 50 graduating master's students—to showcase their work in interest areas ranging from archives and museums to global intelligence, health and information management.

The School of Information also opened its doors to members of the public and Austin-area employers during the Open House. Faculty, staff and students provided tours and demonstrations in digital archaeology, image and video computing, information experience, information retrieval and crowdsourcing, the IT lab, and the school's new makerspace.

The students who received awards are Tingting Cai, Anshulika Singh, Nitin Verma and Chen-Chun Shen.


Tingting Cai

Dean’s Award

Tingting Cai: Design a Classroom Observation Tool for Round Rock ISD

“The classroom observation tool I designed for Round Rock ISD is a web-based application that will replace paper forms researchers are using for observation activities. Numerous features are embedded in the prototype to help Round Rock ISD perform the daily work in a more efficient and delightful way …” Read More

Selected by the dean based on the quality of research, the impact of the project, the complexity of the project, and the wow factor of the presentation.


Anshulika Singh

People’s Choice Award

Anshulika Singh: Improving the User Experience of the iSchool Career Development Office

“The iSchool's MSIS program, being a multidisciplinary program, poses a challenge for the iSchool Career Development office in terms of serving the varied career needs of its students. … This research will provide valuable information regarding the Career Development Office's resources, systems and tools to support students' varied and unique career needs …” Read More

Selected by Open House attendees based on their perceptions of the most interesting and engaging work with the potential to make the biggest difference.


Nitin Verma

Faculty Award

Nitin Verma: Using Eye Tracking to Study User Experience on Scrollable Webpages

“This report describes the use of eye trackers to study user experience on scrollable webpages. In particular I focus on the eye tracking software EventIDE, which allows researchers to create experiments that can adapt to the participants' responses …” Read More

Selected by iSchool faculty based on the quality of the project and the presentation, as well as the project’s positive impact on the field of information studies.


Chen-Chun Shen

Peer Award

Chen-Chun Shen: iTester 3 Usability Study

“iTester is eMetric's online learning performance assessment product which provides a reliable and secure environment that allows students to take tests online. I conducted a study which improved the user experience of iTester 3 as well as reduced biases and increased assessment accuracy …” Read More

Selected by current iSchool students based on their perceptions of the project that best represent the spirit of the iSchool to solve information challenges for human benefit.


Find more information about the Spring 2017 Open House at


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