Salvage Workshop Prepares Volunteers to Help

June 29, 2015

The San Marcos Extension Education Club partnered with the University of Texas at Austin's School of Information to host a Salvage Workshop to train volunteers on how to clean damaged photos, books and documents.  Karen Pavelka, a lecturer, and a team from the School of Information presented the workshop on June 3rd at the Extension office in San Marcos.  Those participating included Extension Education Club members and other volunteers wanting to help with cleanup efforts now and in the future.  Participants learned how to handle items damaged by water and flooding.  The workshop also included tips on how to store items to limit or prevent damage in the future.  


A video of the workshop is available here. You can also view video interviews with a few of the failitators and participants in this Daily Texan video

For more information about cleaning or preserving photos, books, etc., please feel free to contact Karen Pavelka at 512-903-9564 or

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