Patricia Galloway Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society for Ethnohistory

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Dr. Pat Galloway, Professor Emeritus of Archival Studies, was recognized with this year's Lifetime Achievement Award at the American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Meeting 2022 held in September. The iSchool hosted a local celebration, attended by iSchool alumni and colleagues, on October 10th as Dr. Galloway was unable to accept the award in person. Dean Eric T. Meyer read the commendation from Robbie Ethridge, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Mississippi:

“Pat early on appreciated what archaeology could bring to the reconstruction of Native history, both in the deep past as well as the more recent past. She has long promoted a synthetic methodology joining history, anthropology, and archaeology, and her many articles and book chapters mapped various models for doing so. She is a true pioneer in ethnohistory.”

“Her famous monograph, Choctaw Genesis, 1500-1700, published in 1994, not only began the discussions on ethnogenesis, but revealed that even these early years of colonialism could be retrieved from a diligent, careful, encompassing, and critical use of the documentary, cartographic, and archaeological records paired with creative models, theories, and approaches. She always sought the larger context, or ‘situation,’ in which a piece of evidence was produced--a multifaceted method which led her to recover historic Native social, political, and cultural constructs. Many of these constructs and Pat’s interpretations of them have become part of our common vocabulary and scholarly tool kit--the fanimingo institution, the important distinctions of kinship terms such as ‘father’ vs. ‘uncle’ in Native diplomatic discourse, the dual organization system of red and white moieties, the indigenous perspective of gift giving, and sociopolitical naming, among others.”

“That Ethnohistory should recognize her many accomplishments and contributions is fitting and right.”

Dr. Galloway, who joined the UT iSchool faculty in 2000 with specializations in archival appraisal and digital archiving and preservation, retired in August 2021 after over two decades of research, teaching, and service to the school. Congratulations on this honor in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the field of ethnohistory, Dr. Galloway!