Lance Hayden Featured on U.S. News & World Report

July 1, 2015

Adjunct faculty member Lance Hayden was featured in an U.S. News & World Report article centered on millennials and cybersecurity. 

Despite being the first generation to have grown up using the Internet, studies indicate millennials can be surprisingly unaware of online security threats they face.

In fact, a 2013 survey by Marble Security, a mobile threat intelligence and defense company, found that 26.2 percent of young adults born in the U.S. between 1980 and 2000 have had an online account hacked, compared with a 21.4 percent national average. 

To make matters worse, many millennials continue to engage in risky behaviors online. A study last year by the National Cyber Security Alliance and Raytheon found that 72 percent of the 1,000 millennials surveyed had connected to public Wi-Fi not secured with passwords, and 52 percent had plugged in a USB device given to them by someone else. Another study from Raytheon in 2013 reported that 23 percent of millennials admitted to sharing an online password with a nonfamily member within the past year.

Read the full article here


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