iSchool Well-Represented at 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

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<p>Several faculty members and doctoral students represented The University of Texas at Austin School of Information at the <a href="">2024 Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting</a>, which was held in Calgary, Canada from October 25-29. The theme of the conference was “Putting People First: Responsibility, Reciprocity, and Care in Information Research and Practice.”</p>
<p>Associate professor <a href=""><str… Acker</strong></a> was a panelist for two panel presentations, “What Does It Mean to ‘Misuse’ Research Data?” and “Emphasizing the Social in Sociotechnical Approaches to the Digital Curation of Visual Information”, as well as the workshop “Research Proposal Writing for IMLS”.</p>
<p>Doctoral student <a href=""><str… Collier</strong></a> presented in the workshop “Exploring Social Informatics in the Algorithmic Environment (SIG-SI)” and co-authored a long paper, <em>Works for Me: Personalizing Skilled Trade Worker Training via Smart Hand Tools</em>, with iSchool Professor <a href=""><str… Fleischmann</strong></a>, doctoral student <a href=""><str… Lassiter</strong></a>, Informatics student Jen Kim, and other colleagues from UT.</p>
<p>Doctoral student <a href=""><str… Liu</strong></a> co-authored a short paper with professor <a href=""><str… Zhang</strong></a> entitled <em>Exploring Young Adults' Mental Health Help-Seeking Journey: Preliminary Findings on Resource Navigation Behavior</em>, which won the SIG-USE ​Best Information Behavior Conference Paper award, and presented a poster, “Using Large Language Models to Assist Video Content Analysis: A Study of Videos on Depression”. Doctoral student <a href=""><str… Needle</strong></a> co-authored the long paper, <em>Lawyers’ Perspectives on Surveillance in U.S. Immigration Enforcement</em>, with Professor <a href=""><str… Fleischmann</strong></a><strong>. </strong>Doctoral student <a href=""><str… Triem</strong></a> co-authored a long paper with <a href=""><str… Ding</strong></a>, the Bill & Louis Suit Professor, called<em> "Tipping the Balance": Human Intervention in Large Language Model Multi-Agent Debate</em>. Doctoral student <a href=""><str… An</strong></a> presented a poster, “College Students’ Metaphors for ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study”, with colleagues from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Florida State University.</p>