iSchool Faculty Members Recognized as ASIS&T Distinguished Members

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September 26, 2022

Congratulations to Texas iSchool professors Andrew Dillon, Philip Doty, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, and Soo Young Rieh for their recognition as ASIS&T Distinguished Members! This elite status is attained by those with a demonstrated commitment to mastering their profession through sustained educational pursuits and a proven track record of service to both their community and the information science and technology field.

[inner_rail title:" " float:"right"]“To have four Distinguished Members from one university speaks to the extraordinarily high level of excellence of our faculty.” - Dean Eric T. Meyer[/inner_rail]

With four of the twenty-eight members of the inaugural Class of 2021 ASIS&T Distinguished Members from The University of Texas at Austin School of Information—the most Distinguished Members from a single institution—the iSchool is proud that so many of our faculty members are being recognized for their significant achievements in the information science and technology field through professional service and leadership, and their scholarly contributions.

Dean Eric T. Meyer said, “I would have been proud to have one or two faculty members recognized by their peers in this way. To have four Distinguished Members from one university speaks to the extraordinarily high level of excellence of our faculty.”

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