Interim Dean Soo Young Rieh has recommended Dr. James Howison to serve as the iSchool’s interim Associate Dean for Research starting August 15th. In his new role, Dr. Howison will develop and implement strategic research initiatives, support faculty research endeavors, and promote iSchool research excellence and impact within UT and beyond for the 2024-2025 academic year.
“I'm excited to help activate our whole research community to support each other's research efforts,” Dr. Howison said. “I want all of us—faculty, postdocs, and students—to feel that their research is better because it is done here at the Texas iSchool and I’m keen to continue the momentum that the Research Community Committee began last year.” Dr. Howison also expressed an eagerness to celebrate and publicize iSchool research more widely across the university by collaborating with researchers and staff to share the stories and implications of our work.
“As a faculty member of the iSchool since 2011, Dr. Howison brings a distinguished track record in research, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and CAREER Award from NSF,” Interim Dean Rieh said. “He has demonstrated outstanding leadership by serving as Director of the Doctoral Program in 2016-2020 and Chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee in 2020-2021. Last year, as Director of Research Community, Dr. Howison launched exciting professional development programs and provided valuable mentorship to iSchool researchers. I look forward to the expertise and energy he will continue to bring to the iSchool research enterprise.”
Dr. Howison said, “I look forward to working with the interim deans, faculty, and iSchool administration to advocate for the research mission of the school. Ensuring that our time to do our research is valued and prioritized, even as we balance among the varied responsibilities and activities that press upon the school, is a great motivation for me in taking on this role.”