Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC) onboarding platform - Automating the collaboration between telco and cloud service providers.


With technological development advancing rapidly towards compute-heavy, low latency services like autonomous cars and virtual reality, cloud, tech and communication companies are innovating new methods to deliver the required performance. 5G and Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC) are two technologies that promise ultra-low latency to cater to these new use cases and revolutionize the digital marketplace. In this project, collaborated with a team of managers, engineers and designer to identify and prototype opportunities for Nokia software to play a critical part in the 5G-MEC ecosystem by enabling seamless integration between multiple stakeholders in that ecosystem. The project followed an intensive design thinking process and employed strategies like interviews, storyboards, personas, journey maps, and iterative wireframes to prototype a high fidelity automated web platform that enables future MEC providers to onboard and connect their MEC datacenters to telecommunication networks seamlessly.

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Spring 2020