The aim of this project is to provide a website redesign for La Michoacana Meat Market ( because the website suffers from information overload. First, Deliverable A (Weeks 1-4) utilized design skills gained from iSchool classes in redesigning a Bi-weekly Specialst poster; creating an information dashboard for two segmented pork products; and tying those two sub-deliverables together into a 15-page written report. Second, Deliverable B (Weeks 5-9) allowed for two iterations of usability testing and two iterations of Balsamiq mockup designs for both desktop and mobile; this culminated in a slide deck that would be presented to the supervisor. Deliverable C (Weeks 10-14) aimed to implement those usability and mockup insights with front-end technology, in addition to curating a UX resource for the project portfolio's long-term value to the organization. Deliverable D (Week 15) involved creating and preparing for the poster presentation.
La Michoacana Website Redesign
First Name
Last Name
Capstone Type
Spring 2018
Portfolio Link