Special Topics in Information Science: Inclusive Design for Accessible Technology

Instructor Description
This course introduces the theory and practice of inclusive design principles for developing accessible technology. Inclusive design focuses on understanding the diversity of human characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, disability, etc.) and applying a human-centered approach in designing technology to satisfy user requirements. Students will learn to use inclusive design processes to recognize user characteristics, discover user needs, produce design solutions, and develop prototypes during this course. Topics include, but are not limited to, inclusive design, ability-based design, disability-related terminology, and assistive technologies. Students will be required to engage in class discussions, complete in-class and homework assignments, give oral presentations, work in small groups, and complete a semester project. This course assumes students will have prior knowledge or experience in user experience (UX) design and/or human-computer interaction. No prior programming experience is required.
Course Areas
Human Computer Interaction/UX Design/UX Research
Skills and Knowledge Tags
Inclusive Design
accessible Design
ux Portfolio
inclusive Design
Topics and Concepts Tags
Design Methodologies
project-based Approach