Conversion rate is crucial to e-commerce. E-commerce platforms want to convert as much as possible of number of visitors into sales. Some factors such as better layouts or user experience can lead to a better conversion rate. However, in the real world, there are no best paradigms for designing a high conversion rate page. In the industry, the most popular way to gain a better user interference is by testing the original/new designs at same time, called AB test. This method could minimize the bias. My project presents several AB tests result of Houzz Inc.'s marketplace web page. We find that a small design difference of a page could lead a huge impact for the sales. Although most of the AB test results in this project show less than 5% difference, 5% means millions of dollars in sales changes for a mid-large size company.
Improving Sales for Houzz Inc.'s Marketplace Department Via Small Design Changes
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Spring 2019