itisOVERDUE is a community-based organization that aims to promote cleaner, greener, and more welcoming neighborhoods by picking up trash together. However, their public website may present accessibility challenges for individuals with and without disabilities. To address this issue, my project focuses on improving the website's accessibility to enable everyone to contribute to society and the environment easily. Using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, I conducted an evaluation of the current website's accessibility. To make the evaluation report more user-friendly for developers and designers, I utilized Figma to create an interactive report. Based on the insights from the evaluation, I developed a more accessible design system for the itisOVERDUE website, taking inspiration from Google's Material Design and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. The final deliverables of my project are an interactive accessibility evaluation report and an accessible design system that enhances the usability and inclusivity of the itisOVERDUE website.
Improving the accessibility of itisOVERDUE’s public website
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Capstone Type
Spring 2023
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