SAA-UT Archival Worker's Emergency Fundraiser

Event Status

SAA-UT is raising money ($5 donation minimum=cost of a cup of coffee!) to help fellow archivists for the Archival Worker's Emergency Fund! Created in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Archival Workers Emergency Fund was established to provide financial assistance for archival workers experiencing acute, unanticipated financial hardship due to the crisis. Student chapters of SAA across the country are competing to see who can solicit the most pledges by November 30. The winning chapter will be featured on the AWE Fund Organizing Committee website and members of the top three chapters will receive a small thank you gift from the committee.

Can you pledge a cup (or two)? Donate to the Coffee for Colleagues campaign. 

After you donate, please email SAA-UT ( to record your donation in their fundraising tally. 

Date and Time
Nov. 17 to 30, 2020, All Day