ABSTRACT - Geographic information science (GIScience) supports spatial data analytics and decision making in a wide range of applications and policy arenas. This talk focuses on development of spatial analytical models to address issues of food access and water stress in urban areas. While urban agriculture is growing in popularity for addressing fresh food deficits, the use of potable water in traditional urban agricultural installations will exacerbate gaps in water demand and availability in water-stressed cities. This research examines the sustainability of urban food production through a coupling of alternative water resources and vacant urban land. In addition to the use of high-resolution remote sensing and GIS modeling to assess land availability and renewable water resources, a new spatial optimization model is developed to maximize urban food production. A case study is explored in Tucson, Arizona, one of the longest continuously farmed (but semi-arid) landscapes in North America. Results suggest that urban areas with restricted water access can substantially enhance their local food production in an ecologically responsible manner.
BIO - Dr. Daoqin Tong is an Associate Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University. Dr. Tong received her M.S. in Civil Engineering, M.A.S. in Statistics, and Ph.D. in Geography from the Ohio State University. Dr. Tong’s research has primarily focused on spatial data analytics, geographic information science, spatial optimization, spatial statistics and big data to support urban system design and operation with applications in facility location, transportation, urban sustainability, and public health.