Matthias Vallentin - Date: April 23, 10am CST
Title: What if? Applying Threat Feeds Retrospectively
Matthias Vallentin is founder and CEO at Tenzir. His PhD work at UC Berkeley about network forensics laid the foundation for the software that Tenzir now develops an open security analytics platform to empower defenders. Prior to founding Tenzir, Matthias worked on high-performance network monitoring to provide security operators with in-depth visibility about their infrastructure.
Born-digital Evidence and Historical Scholarship
This series features international subject expert talks from the libraries and archives sector, a digital investigation collective and from the cybersecurity sector to consider born-digital evidence from a Historical Scholarship and Humanities perspective. Our digital present poses challenges to long-term preservation and curation of born-digital archives, but also to their cautious selection, critical appraisal and methodological analysis and interpretation as historical evidence. Establishing, proving and maintaining the chain of digital evidence, evaluating the evidential status of born-digital sources and interpreting the traces of historical digital events will be the daily practice of historians studying our present time. The talk series Born-digital Evidence and Historical Scholarship is a starter for the conversation about how we establish this practice and build the skillsets, standards and procedures for Historical Scholarship and the Humanities in coordination with libraries and archives.