Kristin Williams
Tuesday March 8, 2022
Colloquium: Kristin Williams - An Upcycled IoT: Creating Tomorrow's Internet of Things Out of Today's Household Possessions
1 to 2:15 p.m.
Zoom link provided via email

Abstract: Imagine if programming cutting-edge technologies was so approachable that anyone could imbue them with their own meanings and ways of life. For example, how might families imbue Internet of Things (IoT) with their own home life? Today, families use household objects to organize and manage daily life in idiosyncratic ways that resist generalization and differ from family to family. For the IoT to accommodate these idiosyncratic arrangements, it will need to be customizable, lightweight, and substantially cheaper (perhaps even <$0.10). To enable this kind of IoT, Williams' research uses emerging techniques in backscatter communication to create a battery-free and wireless user interface that incorporates existing possessions into an IoT ecosystem through interactive stickers. Instead of replacing everyday objects in favor of internet-enabled equivalents (e.g., a smart bulb for a lightbulb), Williams' work allows existing possessions to be upcycled with IoT: like giving an old, favorite teddy bear a friendly, conversational interface. In this talk, Williams will describe how to bring a human computer interaction (HCI) approach to enabling an Upcycled IoT by both studying how households use everyday objects and building lightweight, customizable technology to integrate with these possessions.

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