Logo of the UT Austin UXPA User Experience Professionals Association
Tuesday Feb. 2, 2021
Resume Design Office Hours
4 to 6 p.m.
Zoom link will be provided to those who sign up

This event is aimed at helping UXers develop the visual aspect of their resume — a great way to showcase your personality and personal branding, as well as to leave a great first impression with recruiters. Everyone is welcome, whether you're not sure what a UX resume should look like, or you're having trouble figuring out how to update your existing layout to give it a new look.

Get your resume reviewed and receive personalized feedback during our 1:1 office hours with 4 iSchoolers who have backgrounds in design and experience applying for UX opportunities!


*Sign up using the below link for a time slot with our lovely reviewers - Ann Tsai, Daniela Chavez, Metinee Ding, and Sashank Macharla.