While healthcare organizations may seem like an unconventional setting for tech, digital products in these settings are becoming increasingly common, meaning the need for human-centered design is imperative. As the first and only UX architect on the DevOps team at Baptist Health System, Jacksonville, I will focus this project on creating a how-to guide for healthcare organizations to implement industry standard UX processes into their Agile DevOps product lifecycles. I will speak to UX industry experts from established tech companies to understand their roles in the UX tech space and gather qualitative data on their recommendations to inform my approach to establishing new formal UX processes. Gaining insights from experienced UX designers will highlight relevant insight on how to best implement UX methods in the software development process to ensure all clinical stakeholders are receiving innovative, user-centered digital solutions, as well as provide a comprehensive framework for new UX designers in healthcare organizations to use as their research and design teams grow.
Creating a how-to guide for UX professionals to implement industry standard processes within healthcare DevOps teams
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Capstone Type
Spring 2023
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