Fall 2024

INF 390N Information Policy: Communication Law and Policy

Unique ID: 27954


02:00 PM - 05:00 PM  DMC 4.378A

Cross-listing of J 395, hosted by the Department of Journalism.

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This course examines the U.S. communication policy in light of domestic and international structural, economic and technological changes. We will investigate how notions of control, access and expression have changed during the 20th and the 21st centuries, examining communication policies and regulation against a backdrop of technological innovation. The definitions and controversies around what constitutes the public interest intersect with policies for specific media systems including broadcasting, cablecasting, the Internet and social media, among others. The cultural ramifications of communication systems in terms of their impacts on people and on speech are a related domain we will address. At the current moment, issues around privacy, large tech companies and their role in contemporary life, the limits and authority of regulation, and of course social media,AI and ‘big data’ dominate many political and research agendas. Our goal will be to understand the backgrounds and foundations that bring us to these concerns and to frame them in critical ways.


Graduate standing.


Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with registration period 3.