Fall 2024
INF 385T Special Topics in Information Science: Disaster Planning and Response
Disaster events, like floods and fires, can cause severe damage and loss in cultural heritage collections. How will you respond when disaster strikes? This course introduces students to the fundamental preservation concepts, planning strategies, and applied response techniques that make a difference. The class will evaluate the physical impact of fire, water, soot, mold, and insects on varied media, including books, flat paper, audiovisual materials, and other items. Disaster planning exercises model proactive methods to minimize damage. Hands-on response drills enable students to practice salvage techniques, and to triage and prioritize impacted materials.
Disaster events, like floods and fires, can cause severe damage and loss in cultural heritage collections. How will you respond when disaster strikes? This course introduces students to the fundamental preservation concepts, planning strategies, and applied response techniques that make a difference. The class will evaluate the physical impact of fire, water, soot, mold, and insects on varied media, including books, flat paper, audiovisual materials, and other items. Disaster planning exercises model proactive methods to minimize damage. Hands-on response drills enable students to practice salvage techniques, and to triage and prioritize impacted materials.
Graduate standing.
Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with registration period 3.