Fall 2019

INF 385M Database Management

Unique ID: 27230


Database is the foundation of Data Science. It provides the unique design to store, retrieve, and manage data. Data become the essential gas to power the generative AI. How to model data, encode context, enforce business rules, and achieve efficiency are critical for database design. This course provides the introductory understanding of relational database design with the focus on three parts. The first part is centered around the database design lifecycle by introducing business rules, ER diagram, normalization, and UML chart. The second part talks about database query language SQL by explaining concepts and providing examples. The third part gives you the forward introduction of XML database which is the commonly used NoSQL database. The learning content will be delivered in the variety of exercises including lectures, tutorials, class activities, individual assignments, group assignments, and group projects. This course empathizes peer learning, hands-on practices, forward exploring, and risk taking.


This section of INF 385M will introduce you to data modeling and SQL. The focus will be on relational database concepts and on practical use of SQL. Topics will include data modeling, entity-relationship (ER) diagrams, introduction to SQL, transformation of E-R models to SQL, database normalization. MySQL and other open source tools will be used in practical assignments and in a course project. This class takes the "flipped classroom" approach that minimizes in-class lecture time and maximizes the time students spend in the class (computer lab) on applying their knowledge to solving practical problems. All assigned readings are required to be completed before class. An important course activity, in which student teams will engage, will be a hands-on term project. Syllabus URL: https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/images/webform/INF385M%20-%20Database%20Management%20Syllabus_0.pdf


Graduate Standing.


Restricted to students enrolled in the School of Information.