Spring 2017

INF 322T Children's Literature

Unique ID: 27820


Evaluation, selection, and proper and creative use of books and other media with children.


Detailed Course Summary: Children’s Literature (INF 322T) is a survey course in the evaluation, selection, and proper and creative use of books and other media with children ages 0 to 14 (birth through grade 8). Objectives: In this course, students will engage in extensive reading of children's books to: - develop their capacity to critically read, analyze, and respond to a diverse body of literature - identify and evaluate the elements of various genres of children’s literature - apply knowledge of children, their development, and interests to the selection and recommendation of appropriate literature - apply knowledge of selection and evaluation criteria to books created for children - choose and create activities to use in the K-12 classroom to extend children's knowledge and appreciation for literature Old Syllabus File: https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/images/webform/322TSyllabusJansenFall2016_1.pdf


Upper-division standing.