Spring 2017

INF 389S Introduction to Archival Enterprise II

Unique ID: 28095


This course will introduce students to contemporary issues in archival studies through readings, research, writing, group discussion, and visits from leaders in the archival studies field.


Archival Enterprise II will focus on three broad themes that have been recognized by SAA as crucial to the future course of the profession: diversity, advocacy/public awareness, and technology. Over the course of the semester we will discuss such issues as working with and documenting underrepresented communities, the relationship of traditional cultural institutions to participatory and community archives, working with indigenous communities and materials, the intersection of archives and human rights, how to create effective public relations and marketing programs, and how to advocate for archives at the state and local level. We will also be examining technology skills for archivists and learning about emerging positions dealing with technology and born digital materials. The course will be largely discussion based and I will also be bringing in guest speakers. There will be two major assignments for the course. One is a major research paper on an archival topic of choice. We will spend time over the semester talking about the writing process, and everyone in class will be keeping a writing blog to track our progress. The other major assignment is a group hands-on project, with class members working together to give a workshop on open source archival software.


Graduate standing.